About the Authors

The students of II-PS3 made this blog possible and to know the makers of the blog, here's a short "about myself" from them.

"At first glance, you might say that I am a mean girl because of my looks, especially my brows. But if you ever get to talk to me, you will see the jolliness and cheerfulness in me. I am fun to be with and will definitely laugh on my own jokes so you won't have to. And as soon as you get to know me more, I am that kind of friend that you can lean on whenever you have a problem."
- Gizelle Andrade

"I'll describe myself as a person with versatile skill set and has a lot integrity. I am 19 years old and a resident of Makati City. I am currently taking a Political Science course in UMak. My hobbies are playing table tennis, watching movies and reading academic books especially the ones that are related to my course. Although I am a working-student, I still know how to balance my study-work state and I am very honored to be a student of a prestigious university."

- Jay Hontiveros, Assistant Editor

"Hi! You can call me Marty or Tasyo. My looks can be deceiving when it comes to age and you might not believe me if I say I am already 25 years old. Well, I chose to take Political Science because I want to be a public administrator and to serve our beloved country. Besides studying hard, I am also a preacher to our church and to say this to you is the proudest thing I could ever tell. Also, when I have spare time I play basketball with my friends too."

- Raimart Sy

"I am 23 years old and also a serving in a mission church. They support my studies and I will be forever thankful to them. I serve as a Sunday school teacher in our ministry and assistant leader of a district ministry. I am blessed to spend my time to serve people and be a blessing for them. And I am hoping that everyone will be a productive citizen to their neighborhood."

-Ervin Nolledo

"I am simple, but you know slightly weird in a funny way. Always positive, and I love to smile even in facing the challenges in life. I also love dancing and singing for our church. I can say that I'm an average, I do not consider myself as a smart person. But still, I want to pursue this course because why not?"

-John Gabrielle Navarrete

" Hello, people of the world! To be honest with you, I have so many nicknames. My mom calls me 'Beth', some of my friends use 'Eli' or 'Liza' but it is fine for me because that makes me feel unique. I enjoy reading fictional novels and watching sci-fi movies. I may look intimidating at first but in reality, I am an introverted girl."

-Elizabeth Deleverio, Photographer
"I am 21 years old. I am currently a working student to a famous fast food restaurant. I am a happy go lucky type to girl because I see life so brightly that I could see the beauty within it. Also, I am a follower of Christ, and I worship the God almighty that is why I am very thankful that I am living the life to its fullest."

- Abegail Soloren

"I really have a passion in writing. I just burst everything in writing and it makes me feel better. Even if no one appreciates the art I am doing, it is okay for me as long as I do what makes me happy and contented. Yes, I enjoy being a Political Science student even though I'm weak in memorization. But I want to finish my studies and help the needy in the future."

- Maria Kathrena Joy Pariol, Administrator and Editor


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